I have often thought of myself as somewhat socially awkward. Less so, to be sure, as I have aged, but I still find myself in occasional situations where I respond in a way that seems, well, not entirely appropriate to the setting. Maybe it’s just me, but since I can still make my wife slap me on the arm or recoil from me when I am particularly offensive, I think I still have some work to do.
Part of the issue is that I genuinely like to laugh a lot. When I see things happening in the world, sometimes to other people, it is easy to see those things happening to me because, in many cases, they have happened to me. The dropped papers, the untied shoelaces, and the mistimed word or action have taught me to laugh at myself; since I do that liberally, I also chuckle or guffaw when I see them happen to others.
Today’s episode is my explanation, if not defense, for the fact that I am lighthearted enough to laugh at just about anything. I am the master of the art of “Too soon?” Even so, if I have ever chuckled inappropriately in your company or at you, I do apologize. And I thank you for giving me something to smile about.
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