Every endeavor requires us to reassert our focus occasionally. If you’re married, you need to take your spouse on a date every so often. If you are a parent, you must show up for your kids and reiterate why they are important. Friendships, your faith life, and your hobbies all need occasional recommitments to make sure your investment in them is meaningful. So it is with my work here as a writer.
I wrote this essay several months ago, and revisiting it now reminds me to focus on the important aspects of legacy leaving and to try to communicate those things to you. Spending time intentionally with people you love, expending your energy on tasks and people that build you up rather than tear you down, and focusing your thinking on a future when you won’t be here to manage it are all keys to building a meaningful and robust legacy.
Take a minute to consider YOUR legacy and what you are doing to build it today. Thanks for reading and listening to me here and for making our world better by creating your legacy.
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